4 Things You Need To Know About Broad-Faced Sac Spiders

There are more than 4000 types of spiders in North America, and while most homeowners can identify a few of the more common ones, there are many that they can't identify. Seeing unidentified spiders inside your house can be scary since you don't know if they're dangerous or not. Here's what you need to know about one of these mysterious spiders, the broad-faced sac spider.

What do they look like?

Broad-faced sac spiders have very distinct coloring, so even if you aren't a spider expert, you should be able to identify them. Their abdomens are grey, their heads are dark grey or brown, and their legs are orange or red. They have a set of pincers in addition to their eight legs, so when viewed from a distance, they appear to have ten legs. They also have very prominent fangs.

Prominent fangs! Are they venomous?

All spiders have venom that they use to immobilize their prey, but broad-faced sac spider venom isn't toxic enough to hurt a human. The bite will still be painful and swollen due to the size of their fangs, and will feel similar to a bee sting, but usually nothing more serious than that happens.

The main concerns with these bites are an allergic reaction to the venom or an infection at the site of the bite. Infections are a worry because these spiders tend to scavenge dead insects, which exposes them to bacteria that they can then transfer to your wound when they bite. If you get bitten, make sure to wash the bite well with soap and water.

Are they in your house?

Broad-faced sac spiders are found in the eastern half of the United States; the westernmost state they're found in is Kansas. They prefer to live in warm, dry places, and can be found on fences or under stones.

While they're outdoor spiders, that doesn't mean they're never found inside houses. These spiders wander around looking for insects to eat, and their quest for food may bring them inside your house. This is more common in the fall, but you can encounter them at any point during the year.

Should you worry about an infestation?

Broad-faced sac spiders are outdoor spiders, so they don't usually infest houses. However, it's still possible for an infestation to occur if the conditions are right. If you have a lot of gaps in the exterior of your home that make it easy for spiders to get inside and you have a large population of insects inside your house to keep them well-fed, an infestation can occur.

If you have a lot of these spiders inside your house, you need to get rid of them and the insects that are keeping them well fed. Call a pest control company like Associated Victoria Pest Control heat treatment right away to get rid of the infestation.
